Areas of activity of the Equal Opportunities Officer

Duties and responsibilities of the Equal Opportunities Officer

Equal opportunities work is carried out in the line system by a Central Equal Opportunity Officer and two deputies, who are elected for a period of four years and appointed by the rector. The gender guideline provides an important orientation framework for the work of the Equal Opportunity Officer.

Gender Guideline

"The promotion of women in science, studies and teaching, especially in areas where women are underrepresented, is a central goal of the University of Wuppertal. To this end, the university has developed a gender profile with which it strives for the actual implementation of equality between women and men, the elimination of gender-specific disadvantages and a better compatibility of family, studies and career. It considers the qualification and creativity of women to be an important resource that contributes to the diversity, excellence and competitiveness of science. The university creates and promotes structures in which the potential of women and men can unfold free of role attributions. This requires that gender-specific effects be taken into account in all proposals and decisions" (translation). The tasks of the Equal Opportunity Officer include:

  • advising and supporting the university management, the faculties, the central institutions and the administration in the implementation of their legal mandate to establish equality throughout the university
  • participation in the development planning of the university and in the agreements on objectives
  • participation in the preparation, updating and implementation of the equality plans and the gender concept
  • participation in the Equal Opportunities Commission as chairperson with voting rights
  • participation in personnel and organisational matters
  • advising and supporting university members in all matters relevant to gender equality
  • participation in personnel and organisational development processes, especially in the area of qualification, career promotion and development of women and men from a gender perspective
  • support for research proposals
  • initiating and supporting programmes to reconcile work, study and family life
  • participation in the indicator-based allocation of funds
  • public relations work and the implementation of marketing measures

The excerpt from the University of Wuppertal's mission statement relevant to gender equality issues:

"In the course of strengthening a wide variety of elements of teaching, research and transfer, the University of Wuppertal attaches importance to a positive, cooperative organisational culture, variable opportunities for the targeted further training and development of its members, an appreciative approach to diversity, a family-friendly climate and a sustainable equal opportunities policy for women and men. In this way, it wants to contribute to bringing out the potential and achievements of both genders in the best possible way, to making the working conditions at the University attractive overall, and also thereby to attracting additional top talent to research and teaching in Wuppertal" (translation).
